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XPS Sandwich Board with FRP Layers
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What is XPS sandwich panel with FRP layer?

XPS Sandwich panel with FRP is a composite building material, which is also called as the XPS composite board. It consists of a sandwich of two layers of FRP with the Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) insulating foam board as the core part. Panel surface layers are FRP layers.

We also have different core insulation material such as the PU or PET or GXPS according to clients’ requirement.

Meanwhile, we also have different layer material such as the PVC or wood according to clients’ requirement.

XPS Sandwich Board Composition

FRP layer +XPS board + FRP layer

XPS board and Panel layers dimension choices

XPS board thickness: 25mm-100mm
FRP layer thickness: 1mm-3mm

Advantages of XPS sandwich panels

①. Excellent thermal insulation performance for the XPS ≤0.035W/m.K
②. Safe fire performance (B1/B2/B3 level)
③. Lightweight and versatility
④. Good mechanical strength
⑤. 100% no asbestos
⑥. Easy to cut & install

Application of XPS sandwich panel

①.XPS sandwich panels can be used for wall panels and roof panels in refrigerated warehouses because of their thermal insulation and corrosion resistance.
②. XPS sandwich panels can be used in the box of cold chain transport trucks.
④. XPS sandwich panels are often used in the field of compartment panels of shelters, RVs and refrigerated vehicles.
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 No.2 Zhonglin Road,Tangshan Industry Area,Nanjing City,Jiangsu Province,China.
 +86-13776668008
 market@feininger.cn
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